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  • Regensburg
  • 17 Feb. 202518 Feb. 2025
    17 Feb.18 Feb.
  • 1 room, 1 adult
  • 1 room, 1 guest

Regensburg, 2 hotels

One city, four rivers

Stay at our affordable B&B Hotel in Regensburg, a city described by the legendary architect Norman Foster, as: “One of the most beautiful cities on earth.” Such praise is richly deserved. Let yourself be transported by Regensburg’s picturesque Old Town. Gaze in wonder at some of the imposing buildings, from the Cathedral of St Peter, the Porta Praetoria or the Jakobstor, meander over impressive squares like the Old Kornmarkt and the Town Hall square, or relax in one of many parks.

Worth Seeing