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  • Uberlândia
  • 07 Mar. 202508 Mar. 2025
    07 Mar.08 Mar.
  • 1 room, 1 adult
  • 1 room, 1 guest

B&B HOTEL in Uberlândia, 1 hotel

A modern city and known for its diversity!

Uberlândia is known for being a city rich in diversity, with museums, parks and spaces that promote culture, entertainment, fun and art. In addition, sport is a subject deeply loved by residents, such as basketball, tennis, football and volleyball, being widely practiced. You will feel like doing a physical exercise or participating in a game, just watching the practitioners.

Have you ever imagined seeing Uberlândia in a 360 degree view?

Before presenting what is special about the city, we need to highlight a feature that only a B&B hotel provides: the view from the terrace. In addition to offering a 360º view, the space allows you to observe different points of the city, promoting an even more pleasant experience for you. 

By the way, do you like nature and animals?

The city of Uberlândia has spaces for nature and animal lovers, such as Parque do Sabiá (a perfect area for those who enjoy walking, cycling, sports, toys and going to the zoo). The site covers almost 2 million m², housing more than 200 species of animals and about 300 species of plants. The number of constant visits shows the receptivity and quality of the tour, since the park receives more than 20 thousand visitors on weekends.

Another tour option is the Cachoeira do Sucupira! It is located on the Uberabinha River, is about 15 meters high, and is a mandatory place for lovers of nature and fresh water on a day of intense heat.

Last but not least, Praça Tubal Vilela is also on the list, perfect for those who want to know one of the most interesting and well-known places in Uberlândia. 
In the environment, it is possible to have a relaxing experience, in addition to the variety and ease of finding something tasty to eat in the surroundings. Our Tubal Vilela Square is located in our B&B Hotel Uberlândia! Make a note in your calendar as a point of interest to visit, close to our hotel.

For lovers of eating and drinking without guilt

The city is also praised by those who love to eat and drink, for bringing places such as Pátio Sabiá (bringing together bars, markets and restaurants in a cozy, comfortable and differentiated environment) and Avenida Rondon Pacheco, one of the main avenues in the city, which has bars, restaurants and fast food environments.

Uberlândia has a lot of art!

Uberlândia brings the University Museum of Art-MUnA, created as an internal organ of the then Department of Plastic Arts (DEART) of the extinct Faculty of Arts, Philosophy, and Social Sciences (FAFCS). Created in 1975, the museum receives periodic exhibitions. Lectures, seminars, courses and even workshops for making works are held. It is the ideal place for those who like to learn about the culture and art of Minas Gerais. Made up mostly of works on paper, it includes representativeness of important names in regional art - such as Adélia Lima, Darli Oliveira, Dante Velloni, Geraldo Queiroz, Hélio Siqueira, Hélvio de Lima, Ido Finotti and João Virmondes - alongside artists of national and international expression - such as Amílcar de Castro, Ana Reis, Cildo Meireles, Carlos Scliar, Cláudio Tozzi, Clóvis Graciano, Di Cavalcanti and Evandro Carlos Jardim. 

Our hotel located in Uberlândia

B&B HOTEL Uberlândia brings together the best structure of comfort, practicality and service in the city. It was the second unit to be opened in Brazil with easy access to different parts of the city and has the best structure and comfort in this hotel profile. It has 128 apartments and an area for events. In addition, it is located in the center of Uberlândia, close to bars, cafes, restaurants, shopping malls and galleries. Among the major attractions of the city close to the hotel are: Uberlândia Municipal Market (which has bars and typical Minas Gerais products), Rondon Pacheco Theater and the city's airport.