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Guest Assistance (by Allianz)



Health Care is understood to be the provision of medical, clinical and pharmaceutical services derived from an accident covered by the policy, provided that the medical care has been carried out exclusively in national territory.

They are considered to be included in the provision of this Cover:

1. Locomotion and rehabilitation services of the insured person, when necessary and authorised by the Insurer.

2. Artificial maintenance of vital signs for a maximum period of sixty days from the date of the accident. From that moment on, compensation will be paid with the corresponding capital for the Permanent Disability cover, regardless of the degree of reversibility of the situation.

3. Plastic and reconstructive surgery as a result of an accident covered by the policy, up to a limit of 1,800 euros.


The insurer will cover the payment or reimbursement of medical, surgical, pharmaceutical and hospitalisation expenses, i.e. those caused and produced by urgent medical assistance, during a trip outside the country of habitual residence and/or nationality of the insured person, up to a maximum limit of 6,000 euros.

For the purposes of this cover, urgent medical assistance is understood to be that aimed at resolving clinical situations of serious alteration, as well as those with the capacity to generate deterioration or danger to the insured person's health or life, in all cases depending on the time elapsed between their appearance and the establishment of effective treatment, which require medical attention in a short period of time. Generally excluded are those benefits that have not been previously requested from the insurer, or that have been organised directly by the insured without the intervention of the former, except in cases of force majeure or material impossibility, duly accredited.


In the event of the insured person's death, the Insurer will take charge of the insured person's death:

- The cost of transporting the body from the place of death to the place of burial.

- The costs of conditioning necessary for transport, with a maximum limit of 600.

- Additional transport costs for members of the insured family (spouse or unmarried partner, ascendant, descendant, sibling) or for insured accompanying persons, to the extent that the means initially provided for their return cannot be used for the repatriation of the insured person.


In the event that the Insurer's medical team provides for the insured person to be hospitalised for more than 5 days, 3 days in the case of minors or disabled persons and provided that he was alone, the Insurer will pay for this:

- A round-trip ticket, first class train or tourist class airplane for a person to travel with the Insured.

- Hotel expenses for a family member or companion up to 72 per day for 5 days.


The agreed benefit is guaranteed as a consequence of the Absolute Permanent Incapacity suffered by the insured person as a result of an accident covered by the policy. Absolute Permanent Incapacity is understood as that which definitively incapacitates the insured person to continue carrying out any type of work, regardless of their profession. This degree of incapacity must be legally declared as such by the corresponding Labour Authority.


If, as a result of an accident covered by the policy, the death of the Insured occurs, the Insurer shall pay the guaranteed benefit to the Beneficiaries. The payments that the Insurer may have made for the coverage of permanent disability as a consequence of the accident that causes the death of the Insured will be deducted from the compensation due in the event of Death, if this is higher.


If, as a result of the same accident, the Insured and their spouse or unmarried partner - officially registered as such - die, and there are unemancipated minor children or children affected by Absolute Incapacity for all work, the Insurer will pay these children - regardless of the designation of beneficiaries in the policy - an additional capital sum indicated in the policy, for all their children and as ORFANDAD. This same capital will be paid in the event that the deceased, the holder of the insurance, was the only living parent.


If the death of the Insured occurs as a consequence of suffering a robbery, kidnapping or any other type of aggression on the part of third parties, the compensation for the coverage of DEATH shall be increased by an additional capital fixed in the policy, unless the aggression occurs in any of the situations indicated in article 4 (EXCLUDED RISKS).


If the death of the Insured occurs as a consequence of suffering a robbery, kidnapping or any other type of aggression on the part of third parties, the compensation for the coverage of DEATH shall be increased by an additional capital fixed in the policy, unless the aggression occurs in any of the situations indicated in article 4 (EXCLUDED RISKS).


Exclusively by taking out this Cover, as a consequence of an accident covered by the policy, the insured is guaranteed reimbursement of the costs of prosthesis material, glasses, acoustic devices, orthopaedic material, osteosynthesis and external fixators with the limit reflected in the policy, provided that said accident has also led to the provision of medical assistance. This reimbursement will be made for expenses derived from benefits received during a maximum period of two years from the date of the accident.


As a consequence of an accident covered by the policy, and within a period of two years from the date on which the accident occurred, the insured is guaranteed reimbursement of the expenses resulting from rescue operations or search for the injured party and necessary transport up to the maximum indicated in the policy, per insured and per claim.


Healthcare is understood as the provision of medical, clinical and pharmaceutical services derived from an accident covered by the policy, provided that the medical care has been exclusively carried out in the national territory.


Medical Assistance will be provided at Allianz Medical Board Centers.

In the event of an accident covered by the policy, Allianz must be contacted at the indicated telephone numbers, except in cases of vital emergency, and the data and location of the Medical Center most suitable for the injuries suffered will be provided.


The telephones are the following:

For assistance in Catalonia, Comunidad Valenciana, Murcia, Galicia, Madrid, Cantabria and Andalusia: 902 102 687 or 91 325 55 68

For assistance in the rest of the Spanish territory: 902 108 509 or 91 334 32 93


For information, you can consult the Allianz medical table, on the Company's website:

In the first telephone communication, you must provide at least:

  • Personal data of the injured and type of injuries.
  • Data of the collective to which the accident victim belongs and the policy number.
  • Date, place and description of the form of occurrence.


Subsequently, and in any case within a period not exceeding 7 days, the injured party must provide the Accident Communication Part duly completed and stamped by the group to which it belongs. The accident part can be provided by contacting the indicated telephone number or through the mediator of the policy. In the cases in which the accident part is not duly completed, the cost of the health benefit will be borne by the insured.


Assistance to the guest in case of emergencies and accidents.

What is covered by Guest Assistance?

It is guaranteed the coverage exclusively of the accidents and vital emergencies that can happen to the clients of B&B Hotels, as long as they have such condition, and only during their stay in the enclosure described in the Particular Conditions and in attached activities, provided that they have been organized by the Policy holder. From check in to check out, inside and outside the hotel facilities. B&B Hotels and the Insured or the Beneficiaries, will credit, in case of loss, that the insured held the condition of client at the time of the accident.





What to do in case of an accident?

Healthcare is understood as the provision of medical, clinical and pharmaceutical services derived from an accident covered by the policy, provided that the medical care has been exclusively carried out in the national territory.


Medical Assistance will be provided at Allianz Medical Board Centers.

In the event of an accident covered by the policy, Allianz must be contacted at the indicated telephone numbers, except in cases of vital emergency, and the data and location of the Medical Center most suitable for the injuries suffered will be provided.


The telephones are the following:

For assistance in Catalonia, Comunidad Valenciana, Murcia, Galicia, Madrid, Cantabria and Andalusia: 902 102 687 or 91 325 55 68

For assistance in the rest of the Spanish territory: 902 108 509 or 91 334 32 93


For information, you can consult the Allianz medical table, on the Company's website:

In the first telephone communication, you must provide at least:

  • Personal data of the injured and type of injuries.
  • Data of the collective to which the accident victim belongs and the policy number.
  • Date, place and description of the form of occurrence.


Subsequently, and in any case within a period not exceeding 7 days, the injured party must provide the Accident Communication Part duly completed and stamped by the group to which it belongs. The accident part can be provided by contacting the indicated telephone number or through the mediator of the policy. In the cases in which the accident part is not duly completed, the cost of the health benefit will be borne by the insured.



Medical Assistance Authorization

Any health care benefit must be previously authorized by Allianz. Healthcare received without the specific authorization of Allianz, lacks coverage, except as indicated in case of vital emergency. The authorization of medical assistance, whether it is a first assistance or successive medical assistance, will be requested at the indicated telephone numbers. Allianz will facilitate the authorization directly to the injured person and / or to the Medical Center according to the cases.


Vital emergencies

Vital urgency means any clinical condition that involves risk of death or serious functional sequelae, so that it requires immediate and urgent medical attention.

This service is compulsory for any Health institution.

The condition of risk of death or serious functional sequelae must be certified by a doctor / surgeon of the public or private emergency unit in which the injured person has been treated. In the case of vital emergencies involving a serious risk to the life or integrity of the injured person as defined below, this may be attended by the nearest Health Center. Allianz will pay the Health Center the medical expenses derived from the emergency assistance to the accident during the first 48 hours from the date of the accident. Once the first emergency assistance has been passed, the victim must be transferred to a Medical Center to continue his treatment

Allianz will not assume the cost of the services, once the period of 48 hours indicated in Centers that do not belong to the Medical Board has been exceeded, unless expressly authorized.

